Erik MH:


24 months later, there’s great news and bad news

The good news — and we need to remem­ber that it’s very good news! — is that (on more-or-less the second anniversary of the big sur­gery) I just had my fifth fol­low-up CT-scan and there is no sign of any return of the can­cer. Hooray! …

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Six-month check-up

Kar­en just reminded me that I should let you all know that I had my six-month fol­low-up check-up at the end of June, and that there was no sign of any can­cer. (I did­n’t send an update then, because they were con­cerned about elev­ated biliru­bin levels — but it looks now as if these are due to a com­pletely benign con­di­tion called Gil­ber­t’s Syn­drome — so that’s all right!) It’ll be anoth­er 4½ years before they’ll give me the “all clear,” but for this par­tic­u­lar can­cer, the first year is by far the most likely time for any recur­rence. So this is really good news! …

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No news is good news

Erik stands, holding a small glass, smiling, with his back to the hearth — obscuring a bright fire
Me with The Mac­al­lan (and sev­er­al Mor­dorki­an friends off-screen)

Hi, every­one! Just a quick update to let you know that I’m still here. Life is nearly back to nor­mal (although I look out the mid-April win­dows at ice and snow and a gray sky that hasn’t broken in more than a week and I wonder!).…

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Not quite a walk in the park

When I first learned that I had can­cer (while attend­ing Campers’ Week at Pine­woods), a good friend urged me to spend as much time as pos­sible out­side, walk­ing in the sunshine.

And when my fath­er-in-law heard last Septem­ber that I had can­cer, he wrote a very sup­port­ive note with many kind thoughts. This is the most rel­ev­ant today: .…

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Happy New Year!

I’m sorry not to have pos­ted for so long. tl;dr: Con­vales­cing takes patience, but all is well.

I’ve been home for three weeks now, and I’m very very happy to be here with my fam­ily and kit­ties. Gradu­ally over these weeks I’ve reduced the pain killers they had me take, and gradu­ally I’ve been able to expand what foods I can eat (almost any­thing at this point, but I need to be care­ful to eat it slowly and to not eat too much).…

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