Erik MH:


Anoth­er Monday, anoth­er power outage

One of our two apricot trees. We planted them in 2005, hop­ing that the inev­it­able cli­mate change would at least mean these hardy vari­et­ies would bear fruit. To date: one tiny, deli­cious apricot…

Last Monday, we woke to find an unex­pec­ted 8″ of wet snow blanket­ing everything. It split one of our apricot trees almost in two (40% loss, assum­ing the oth­er 60% sur­vives), and caused hun­dreds of indi­vidu­al small power out­ages across the state, includ­ing here at Hearts’ Ease. Power came on here 11 hours later — but thou­sands had no power until Tues­day. So it shouldn’t’ve been a sur­prise when we woke up this morning…

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Host­ing update

I believe I’ve fin­ished tweak­ing the host­ing setup for — and, by exten­sion, and ( and the root will fol­low along in a few months).…

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If you’re read­ing this in South America

I’m host­ing this site on sev­er­al serv­ers loc­ated stra­tegic­ally around the globe, one of which is in San­ti­ago, Chile. I’ve just been informed that that serv­er will be down for main­ten­ance on 2023-11-09 from 04:00 to 08:00 utc, which will be in the very early morn­ing (depend­ing on your time zone) in South Amer­ica. Things should be set up prop­erly such that you’ll be redir­ec­ted to the next closest serv­er (Seattle, Atlanta, or Sydney in all prob­ab­il­ity), so oth­er than a little slug­gish­ness there shouldn’t be any problems.…

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Well, that was interesting…

I’m sorry to leave you all won­der­ing about last month’s sur­gery! It’s now been exactly four weeks, and that’s an inex­cus­ably long time to keep you in suspense.

tl;dr: I’m fine.…

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