Erik MH:

blog entry

Yet anoth­er Monday, yet anoth­er power outage

date2023-12-18 19:33 utc
topicsweather; gardens

Two weeks ago, I pos­ted about the second Sunday night storm in two weeks, which caused the second power out­age in two weeks and also butchered one of our apricot trees.

Well, the fol­low­ing Monday (last week), we had yet anoth­er snowstorm — though with no con­com­it­ant power outage.

Last night? The winds picked up, the tem­per­at­ure rose, and the rain has been pour­ing. And the power went out. So here are the stats:

date pre­cip­it­a­tion power
Monday, 2023-11-27 8″ snow 7‑hour out­age
Monday, 2023-12-04 8″ snow 8‑hour out­age
Monday, 2023-12-11 7″ snow no out­age
Monday, 2023-12-18 tor­ren­tial rain, wind 1‑hour out­age