Erik MH:

blog entries: orig. on PostHope

Happy New Year!

I’m sorry not to have pos­ted for so long. tl;dr: Con­vales­cing takes patience, but all is well.

I’ve been home for three weeks now, and I’m very very happy to be here with my fam­ily and kit­ties. Gradu­ally over these weeks I’ve reduced the pain killers they had me take, and gradu­ally I’ve been able to expand what foods I can eat (almost any­thing at this point, but I need to be care­ful to eat it slowly and to not eat too much).…


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Going home!

It’s been a long slog, but things star­ted look­ing a little bright­er yes­ter­day, and this morn­ing Erik got the word that he could go home today!


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Thanks to you all

I’m sure I’ve said this before, but I’d like to repeat my thanks to each of you for your con­tinu­ing encour­age­ment and well wishes. This is drag­ging on longer than we had hoped, and it’s your cheers and whis­pers and mes­sages and poetry that is keep­ing us going.

I felt I needed to share an example of the lat­ter with every­one, from a whilom cowork­er not nor­mally known for his Nashi­an versification: .…


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