Erik MH:

blog entry

In which I meet fel­low trav­el­lers, and a friend­ship ensues

original date2024-01-19 23:00 utc
retroactively published2024-03-03 13:35 utc
topicsfriends; Peru
Naomi, Will, & me on the Bar­ranco marecón

Being a shy fel­low, I received the last-minute news that there were two addi­tion­al guests on my walk­ing tour of Bar­ranco with a bit of trep­id­a­tion. Three or four hours not only with a tour guide I was unfa­mil­i­ar with but also with two oth­er guests?

I need not have wor­ried. After an hour or so, the tour guide (Mau) left the three of us alone briefly. The more extra­ver­ted of the two oth­er guests turned to me and said, “You seem like a nice per­son!” which she imme­di­ately fol­lowed with “Is that a weird thing to say?”

Well, erm, yes, it is a bit weird. But not unwel­come! Who would not want to be told that they’re a nice person?

By the end of our tour, I felt as if Naiomi and Will were dear old friends. Mau left us, prom­ising to be our friend and con­tact in Bar­ranco if we had any ques­tions. And Will, Naomi, and I decided to have drinks and a late lunch together.

Fast-for­ward a couple of hours, and we knew much about each oth­ers’ lives and travels. I vis­ited the loo, and they paid the bill while I was gone. And we walked slowly along Barranco’s malecón (bluff walk with along the coast) togeth­er, prom­ising we’d be in touch and vis­it whenev­er I was next in Eng­land or they were in the north­east U.S.

But they also said they’d return briefly to Lima after their vis­its to Machu Pichu and Vini­cunca, and that we’d get togeth­er then.…