Erik MH:


Recov­ery time

On Monday even­ing, when I walked into the recov­ery room, Erik opened his eyes, looked at me, and said, “Emily, you’ll nev­er believe the dream I had! We bought a farm­house in Ver­mont, and ran it as a B&B…”

(If you don’t know why that’s so funny, see: You­Tube and Wiki­pe­dia.) …

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Suc­cess­ful surgery!

Just met with Dr. Fin­ley, who reports that Erik’s sur­gery went per­fectly, and he’s now in the recov­ery room. Now his main job will be get­ting up and mov­ing around as much as pos­sible, and healing. 😊

He has an epi­dur­al cath­et­er to self-man­age pain, which every­one says is a really good arrange­ment, as it decreases the need for oth­er med­ic­a­tion. They’ll start him on tube feed­ing on Tues­day, and they’ll see if he’s able to swal­low water (Erik’s been refer­ring to this as his “leak test”) on either Fri­day or Monday, depend­ing on how he pro­gresses, and he’ll be able to go home a little while after he can do so.

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Giv­ing thanks

This is Kar­en. Erik’s now gone into sur­gery, and I wanted to post a tale of gratitude:

Our fam­ily didn’t stop read­ing bed­time story as the kids got older — we just upped the con­tent to match their age level. We have been read­ing The Lord of the Rings for our story for about a year now, and by coin­cid­ence our her­oes entered Mordor about the time Erik was dia­gnosed, and the par­al­lels, extend­ing Erik’s meta­phor, have kept sur­fa­cing in inter­est­ing ways.…

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More pan­icked about pack­ing for a week in the hos­pit­al than for the surgery

That’s either a good thing, of course, or it means I’m in deni­al about the sur­gery itself!

Again, though, so far so good: I’ve been on a liquid diet for the past two days (and a low-fat diet for the past week) in pre­par­a­tion for the sur­gery. Not exactly what I would choose, but Kar­en and Camer­on have helped by mak­ing a deli­cious tur­key broth and by purée­ing some non-fat honey Greek yog­hourt with some milk; these aug­ment the Carna­tion Instant Break­fast and the yoghurt drinks.… But at least I can still have cof­fee, and I was able to enjoy a won­der­ful tur­key din­ner when we cel­eb­rated Thanks­giv­ing on Friday.…

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More “Map­ping Mordor”

Some of you might know that my “new” plan for the “Map­ping Mordor” chapter had been to get all top­onym­ic research done before the sur­gery, so that I could simply write between then and Yule — sub­mit­ting a text draft in late Decem­ber (only six weeks late) and telling the edit­ors how many graph­ic images I’d be sup­ply­ing (and where they’d need to go and what size they’d need to be) — and pre­par­ing the graph­ics in Janu­ary while the edit­ors and lay read­ers were look­ing at my draft text.…

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