Erik MH:

blog entries: weath­er

In which I explain my motiv­a­tion for not win­ter­ing in Vermont

End­less cold, dark­ness, & snow. I can’t stay warm. I can’t get enough light. I don’t ski.… And as I’m post­ing this ret­ro­spect­ively in mid-March, I real­ize that I can­not remem­ber wheth­er my weath­er app was dis­play­ing tem­per­at­ures in Celsi­us (i.e., these tem­per­at­ures are cold) or in Fahren­heit (i.e., these tem­per­at­ures are bloody cold). Either is entirely pos­sible. Either would be entirely unremarkable.…


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Anoth­er Monday, anoth­er power outage

Last Monday, we woke to find an unex­pec­ted 8″ of wet snow blanket­ing everything. It split one of our apricot trees almost in two (40% loss, assum­ing the oth­er 60% sur­vives), and caused hun­dreds of indi­vidu­al small power out­ages across the state, includ­ing here at Hearts’ Ease. Power came on here 11 hours later — but thou­sands had no power until Tues­day. So it shouldn’t’ve been a sur­prise when we woke up this morning…


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