Erik MH:

blog entry

Thanks to you all

original date2017-12-08 23:27 utc
republished2024-06-11 01:55 utc
topicsfriends; health; orig. on PostHope
noteThis post was ori­gin­ally pub­lished on Pos­tHope, where it’s still avail­able, along with sev­er­al pub­lic comments.

I’m sure I’ve said this before, but I’d like to repeat my thanks to each of you for your con­tinu­ing encour­age­ment and well wishes. This is drag­ging on longer than we had hoped, and it’s your cheers and whis­pers and mes­sages and poetry that is keep­ing us going.

I felt I needed to share an example of the lat­ter with every­one, from a whilom cowork­er not nor­mally known for his Nashi­an versification:

Ode to over­com­ing a nose tube

It is not the thing for king or wastrel
To have a tube shoved up your nostril. 

That’s the begin­ning; I’ll skip most of the mid­sec­tion which meant a great deal to me but which would require a good deal of explain­ing to be decipher­able to a wider audi­ence. But it con­cludes with lines that made me tear up:

You, the hus­band, the fath­er, the good friend
Are loved from the begin­ning to the end.
While you may not be in best circumstance
You make your music as part of the Dance.
And if my verse brings you a sense of mirth
Then these hard times become a time of birth.