Erik MH:

blog entry

No news is good news…

original date2017-09-19 14:39 utc
republished2024-06-06 00:11 utc
topicshealth; family; orig. on PostHope; friends
noteThis post was ori­gin­ally pub­lished at Pos­tHope, where it’s still avail­able, along with sev­er­al pub­lic comments.

Well, things have been quiet here this week in Lake Wobegon….

Really quiet, in a way, though my dear friend Andy came up from Boston for the week­end to shake things up a bit (hi, Andy!). It was good to get the men­tal juices flow­ing again: Andy helped re-shelve piles of books in the lib­rary — which was very wel­come! — but even more he acted as a ter­rif­ic sound­ing board to help me fig­ure out pri­or­it­ies for the Mordor pro­ject and for work­ing out backup con­tin­gency plans for vari­ous oth­er Tolki­en-related things I’ve been doing (a few of which are spelled out at Ver­mont Soft­works).…

Kar­en and I cel­eb­rated our 24th anniversary yes­ter­day by doing noth­ing in par­tic­u­lar — which was actu­ally quite nice! My third of five chemo ses­sions took up most of the morn­ing, and I was able to get some work done while there. In the after­noon, a care pack­age arrived! Ginger tea, but­ter­scotches, socks, chocol­ate, and all man­ner of oth­er sweet items. What a neat surprise!

Many thanks to you all for your notes and thoughts here and those sent privately, too. I can’t pos­sibly respond to them all spe­cific­ally (not and still get a nap in each day, any­way!) — but know that I read and re-read and appre­ci­ate each and every one more than you might think, wheth­er they’re meant to be inspir­ing and hope­ful or just full of chatty news. Thank you!

I’ll try not to let six days go by between posts again: prob­ably every two or three days will be a good rate.