Erik MH:

blog entry

Bumps in the road

original date2017-12-04 21:30 utc
republished2024-06-10 23:23 utc
topicshealth; orig. on PostHope; friends; pets; CCT
noteThis post was ori­gin­ally pub­lished on Pos­tHope, where it’s still avail­able, along with sev­er­al pub­lic comments.

Sorry for the delay in posting an update — it’s been a weekend of ups and downs. In short, everything related to the actual surgery is hunky-dory, but all the general recovery stuff has been rough. There’s lots going on, but most of it isn’t really stuff I want to post about (endless details about bodily fluids, their measurement and proclivities, that sort of thing).

Erik in a hospital bed, with many tubes leading in and out
Erik, hanging in there

Saturday, Erik had a procedure to dilate his pylorus (the sphincter between the stomach and intestine), which went well, but he also had to get his nasogastric tube put back in, which is not comfortable.

Sunday, I went up to Cabot for our first read-through of Mary Poppins (which I’m producing and Cameron is music directing), and was able to have lunch and dinner with Cameron and my parents, get a few things I needed, and check on things at home. Our new kitten Caillou is of the opinion that our canary is obviously only in a cage on a high shelf to make him more challenging to catch, so I helped with some troubleshooting there...

While I was away, our respite care provider (so to speak) was our dear friend Andy, who came for several hours to lighten Erik’s spirits, engage his brain, and accompany him for a walk down the hall. Later, Nacio and his parents made another visit and played some Hardanger fiddle music, which I’m really sorry I missed, but Erik enjoyed very much. We’re looking forward to hearing more at the Revels performance in a couple weeks!