“Hey, Siri! Pause!” I called, beladen as I was with a dish tray, an iPad, my cased AirPods, socks, and other paraphernalia as I tried to negotiate the screen- and French- doors from our deck into the living room. (Yes, Dr. F., carrying far less than 10 pounds!)
On the iPhone in my shirt pocket, the ball game paused. Then it resumed.…
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The lack of an RSS feed at erikmh.org has been rankling me, since I myself prefer to use RSS to keep tabs on independent blogs. And so it is with a heartfelt “Finally!” that I announce my new feed. Just add https://erikmh.org/rss/ to your RSS reader. ProcessWire, as usual, made it very simple. As always, I’m grateful to Ryan Cramer for his intuitive and speedy CMS.
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As any traveller knows altogether too well, there are several different types of “standard” electrical plugs around the world. There are many web sites that purport to explain the different standards and that offer color-coded maps showing what plugs are used in what countries — but the information is highly contradictory and, in the case of Peru at any rate, incorrect.…
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Two weeks from today will be my first full day (out of 55!) in Peru! The intention is that my trip will be a true blend of work and relaxation; I’m hoping to work industriously for seven five-hour days each week, leaving the balance of the time for sampling food, espresso, drinks, music, art, and the ocean. But those work hours will be crucial, and I’ve worked out an efficient, portable workstation in order to make that time as useful as possible.
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Long COVID essentially rendered me useless from June of 2022 through September of 2023, and everything suffered — even the proper care and maintenance of my beloved espresso machine. To launch the new year, I performed a full cleaning and maintenance on my Rocket Cinquantotto. I had religiously cleaned and polished it bi-weekly from its arrival here in August of 2021 through May of 2022, but it — as with so much else in my life — languished over the ensuing months. Since September (and my low-dose Naltrexone prescription) I’ve been slowly catching up on my to-do lists, and today seemed the perfect day to finally give the Cinquantotto its long overdue deep-cleaning.…
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