Erik MH:

blog entries: tech

Hey, Siri! Pause!

“Hey, Siri! Pause!” I called, beladen as I was with a dish tray, an iPad, my cased Air­Pods, socks, and oth­er paraphernalia as I tried to nego­ti­ate the screen- and French- doors from our deck into the liv­ing room. (Yes, Dr. F., car­ry­ing far less than 10 pounds!)

On the iPhone in my shirt pock­et, the ball game paused. Then it resumed.…


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RSS fans, rejoice!

The lack of an RSS feed at has been rank­ling me, since I myself prefer to use RSS to keep tabs on inde­pend­ent blogs. And so it is with a heart­felt “Finally!” that I announce my new feed. Just add to your RSS read­er. ProcessWire, as usu­al, made it very simple. As always, I’m grate­ful to Ryan Cramer for his intu­it­ive and speedy CMS.


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In which my char­ger fails, and I track down another

As any trav­el­ler knows alto­geth­er too well, there are sev­er­al dif­fer­ent types of “stand­ard” elec­tric­al plugs around the world. There are many web sites that pur­port to explain the dif­fer­ent stand­ards and that offer col­or-coded maps show­ing what plugs are used in what coun­tries — but the inform­a­tion is highly con­tra­dict­ory and, in the case of Peru at any rate, incorrect.…


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Test­ing work set-up for Peru

Two weeks from today will be my first full day (out of 55!) in Peru! The inten­tion is that my trip will be a true blend of work and relax­a­tion; I’m hop­ing to work indus­tri­ously for sev­en five-hour days each week, leav­ing the bal­ance of the time for sampling food, espresso, drinks, music, art, and the ocean. But those work hours will be cru­cial, and I’ve worked out an effi­cient, port­able work­sta­tion in order to make that time as use­ful as possible.


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A new year…

Long COV­ID essen­tially rendered me use­less from June of 2022 through Septem­ber of 2023, and everything suffered — even the prop­er care and main­ten­ance of my beloved espresso machine. To launch the new year, I per­formed a full clean­ing and main­ten­ance on my Rock­et Cin­quan­totto. I had reli­giously cleaned and pol­ished it bi-weekly from its arrival here in August of 2021 through May of 2022, but it — as with so much else in my life — lan­guished over the ensu­ing months. Since Septem­ber (and my low-dose Nal­trex­one pre­scrip­tion) I’ve been slowly catch­ing up on my to-do lists, and today seemed the per­fect day to finally give the Cin­quan­totto its long over­due deep-cleaning.…


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