Erik MH:

blog entry

Host­ing update

original date2023-11-05 12:57 utc
retroactively published2023-11-05 12:58 utc
topicsadministrivia; tech

I believe I’ve fin­ished tweak­ing the host­ing setup for — and, by exten­sion, and ( and the root will fol­low along in a few months).

In short, though there’s not much Tolki­en- (or Erik-) related audi­ence in Asia, the “nearby” serv­ers in New Del­hi, Sydney, and Seattle were simply not cut­ting it. If the data cen­ter in New Del­hi were as well-con­nec­ted as the ones in Ams­ter­dam, Seattle, and Atlanta, it prob­ably would’ve been ideal — but ping res­ults showed pretty clearly that it was not. So I’ve decom­mis­sioned that serv­er (Bifur) and replaced it with one in Singa­pore (Bofur) and one in Seoul (Bom­bur). Ping times between those data cen­ters and vari­ous points in India are cer­tainly slower than they were from New Del­hi, but not by a whole lot. And the two new serv­ers really cov­er Asia much more sat­is­fact­or­ily. I plan to leave things this way unless I become aware of any prob­lems. So the final list of serv­ers follows:

  • Atlanta, Geor­gia, USA: Dori
  • Seattle, Wash­ing­ton, USA: Nori
  • Ams­ter­dam, Neth­er­lands: Fili
  • San­ti­ago, Chile: Oin
  • Sydney, Aus­tralia: Balin
  • Singa­pore: Bofur
  • Seoul, Korea: Bombur

all of these are fed by my loc­al “sta­ging” serv­er, Thor­in, in New Jer­sey, USA.