Erik MH:

blog entry

Recov­ery time

original date2017-11-30 04:59 utc
republished2024-06-10 21:56 utc
topicshealth; orig. on PostHope
noteThis post was ori­gin­ally pub­lished on Pos­tHope, where it’s still avail­able, along with sev­er­al pub­lic comments.

On Monday even­ing, when I walked into the recov­ery room, Erik opened his eyes, looked at me, and said, “Emily, you’ll nev­er believe the dream I had! We bought a farm­house in Ver­mont, and ran it as a B&B…”

(If you don’t know why that’s so funny, see: You­Tube and Wiki­pe­dia.)

Since then, life has been a steady parade of vari­ous tubes, mon­it­ors, nurses tak­ing vital signs every 4 hours, and that sort of thing. I meant to post before now, but time has slipped away, and there hasn’t exactly been any “news” to report. Erik has been heal­ing nicely, and his num­bers on all the things there are num­bers on seem to please the med­ic­al staff. Most of yes­ter­day, he was hav­ing some bad pain in his shoulder, which they determ­ined was due to his chest drain, but that was much bet­ter by this after­noon, which was a relief. He’s not allowed to eat or drink any­thing, even sips of water, until his stom­ach has healed up enough — hope­fully Fri­day — which is rough. He’s “eat­ing” with his J‑tube, and hydrat­ing with an IV, and can use a wet swab to keep his mouth happy as long as he does­n’t swal­low any of the water.

They want him to be up and mov­ing as much as he can, which has trans­lated to a couple of walks around the area of the hos­pit­al his room is in yes­ter­day, increas­ing to 4 walks today — each walk is about the dis­tance of a short city block or so.

The nurses here at Dart­mouth-Hitch­cock have been abso­lutely phe­nom­en­al — com­pet­ent and kind, truly listen­ing to what one has to say, and nev­er giv­ing us the sense that there’s some­where else they need to be, though Erik is obvi­ously not their only patient.

Camer­on and my dad drove down from Cabot for a vis­it yes­ter­day even­ing, which was really nice. We had some din­ner from the hos­pit­al cafet­er­ia (quite decent food at very low cost), and Camer­on joined in on the even­ing walk. Camer­on and my mom are going to vis­it tomor­row even­ing, and a couple of oth­er friends earli­er in the day. 

Over­all, Erik’s in pretty good spir­its, though awfully tired most of the time, and yearn­ing to eat and drink again. We anti­cip­ate the tube count going down by at least one tomor­row, which will def­in­itely feel like he’s get­ting back to normal!