Erik MH:

blog entry

Going home!

original date2017-12-10 16:14 utc
republished2024-06-11 02:13 utc
topicshealth; orig. on PostHope
noteThis post was ori­gin­ally pub­lished on Pos­tHope, where it’s still avail­able, along with sev­er­al pub­lic comments.

It’s been a long slog, but things started looking a little brighter yesterday, and this morning Erik got the word that he could go home today!

Erik sitting up in a hospital bed, with a new “Visit Mordor” t-shirt
Vis­it Mordor!

I mentioned Erik was able to start having sips of water the other day; he’s since graduated to clear liquids (broth, jello), and that’s been nice for him. Friday they stopped his epidural pain relief, and that was pretty miserable for the rest of the day as all the heretofore masked pain started making itself known. With a little fine-tuning of meds, and his body adjusting to the new normal, he felt much better yesterday in that department.

They were then mostly waiting for a few things to stabilize, and still measuring various things, which made yesterday an extremely long day. In the evening we enjoyed another visit plus fiddle concert with Nacio, Chris, and Barbara, which was really nice.

Unfortunately, last night had many interruptions (such as the 5 a.m. x-ray happening at 4 a.m.), plus noisy snowplows outside, but then this morning they said the chest tube could finally come out, and we will be able to leave this afternoon! Erik was finally able to have a long-awaited shower, and has graduated to a lowfat liquid diet for a week or so. We are both looking forward to home, family, cats, and a full night’s sleep.